Episode 48 - Tiffany Myrick (Army, OEF Veteran) | Annie Kleiman (Air Force, OEF Veteran) | Eve Mayoral (Army, OIF, OEF Veteran)

Host Tim K. sits down in Washington D.C. with Tiffany Myrick (CST-2), Annie Kleiman (CST-3), and Eve Mayoral (CST-4). All three were integral to the Army’s Cultural Support Team Program. On the podcast, the three discuss their various paths into the military and what led them to become groundbreakers in an otherwise unexplored space overseas. This podcast is a special edition recorded at the AllTru Gather 2022 which was held at the Women’s Military Memorial at Arlington National Cemetary. To learn more about AllTru and their mission hit the link.

This project and podcast are brought to you by KADRI Clothing. To learn more about Annie Kleiman and the causes that are important to her check out No One Left Behind and follow her on LinkedIn. You can follow Tiffany Myrick on LinkedIn as well. This is Episode No. 48. To read the project in its entirety hit the link.

“We are for that go-getter; that pathfinder; that woman who looks at the uphill battle outdoors or in the workplace and says, “bring it.” We are for that hard worker; that innovator; that woman who shatters glass ceilings.  We are for those 34% of EMTs, 21% of paramedics, 15% of police officers, 4% of firefighters, and 15% of military service members who chose an extraordinary occupation. We are for these women because we are these women.”

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